- Regenerative Development
- Regenerative development aims for an integrated, whole-systems approach to the design and construction of human settlements and practices. The field of regenerative development, which draws inspiration from the self-healing and self-organising capacities of natural living systems, is increasingly seen as a source for achieving this end. Regenesis Group
- Regenerative Agriculture
- Regenerative Agriculture is a system of farming principles, processes and practices that actively enriches soil, biodiversity and watershed health while producing a diversity of ecological functions and agricultural yields. It is sourced from time-tested integrative agricultural approaches of indigenous and peasant farmers from around the world, and is informed by a century of applied research and development within the fields of organic farming, agroecology, agroforestry, Permaculture, natural farming, keyline design & Holistic Management. Regenerative Agriculture increases farmer and rancher livelihood resilience; improves the well-being of communities, ecosystems and economies; and contributes meaningfully to the reversal of the climate, biodiversity & inequality crises.
- Regenerative Business (cite Carol)
- Blockchain
- Blockchain is a system of recording information in a way that makes it difficult or impossible to change, hack, or cheat the system. A blockchain is essentially a digital ledger of transactions that is duplicated and distributed across the entire network of computer systems on the blockchain.
- Living Systems Thinking
- Living systems thinking looks at the pattern of a whole and considers how to shift that underlying pattern so as to develop the system to another level. Instead of working at the level of existence, it works at the level of potential. Living systems thinking is enabled by Living Systems Frameworks, a technology rooted in pythagorean geometry and informed by indigenous wisdom traditions. There are many individuals and organizations stewarding this technology, including the Carol Sanford Institute (Change Agent Development, The Regenerative Business Development Community & The Regenerative Life Communities), Regenesis Group (The Regenerative Practitioner and Story of Place Institute) & Ethan Solviev (The Regenerative Supply Innovation Working Group).
- Agroecology
- Agroecology can be viewed as an academic science seeking to understand the functioning of trophic systems in an agroecosystem, a practice that works in tandem with nature to produce food sustainably, and a social movement fighting to democratize the food system. Simply put, agroecology is a whole-system approach to agricultural production that melds the gravity of cultural and social impacts within a productive model of environmental sustainability. (A Growing Culture)
- Integrated Landscape Management
- A landscape is a socio-ecological system that consists of a mosaic of natural and/or human-modified ecosystems, with a characteristic configuration of topography, vegetation, land use, and settlements that is influenced by the ecological, historical, economic and cultural processes and activities of the area. Integrated landscape management refers to long-term collaboration among different groups of land managers and stakeholders to achieve the multiple objectives required from the landscape. (EcoAg Partners)
- Regenerative Supply Systems
- A Regenerative Supply System is a
- Keystone Crops
- A Keystone Crop is a crop species that due to its ecology, cultural significance, and economic value has a disproportionately important role in the regeneration of landscapes and communities when grown according to regenerative agriculture principles. Keystone Crops are often woody perennials (trees and bushes) around which an agroecology can be developed, such as is the case with cacao (Theobroma cacao) grown within a diverse species assemblage called multi-strata agroforestry within a diversified landscape mosaic.
- Regenerative Enterprise Ecologies / Precompetive Working Guilds
- A pre-competitive working group of organizations consciously forming an ecology of enterprises with the explicit goal of regenerating the health and vitality of living systems. Through collaboration these enterprises take the responsibility to regenerate specific forms of capital (See Multi Capital Returns) and collectively produce significantly more value than any enterprise could individually.
- Transition Finance
- Multi Capital Returns
The Eight Forms of Capital framework was developed by Ethan Soloviev and Gregory Landua and serves as a lens through which to consider the flows of and transformations of value within a system. These forms of capital are considered as Nurture Capitals (Living, Social, Cultural, Spiritual, Cultural), and Exchange Capitals (Intellectual, Experiential, Material, Financial).